-when the windows are open, and the sun lights up the room
-the feel of fresh sheets
-how cute logan is when he sleeps
-feeling excited when mike is coming home after working out of town for so long
-jumping in to a cold pool on a hot day
-taking naps with my two boys
-coke icees
-the smell of sweets baking
-when our room is clean, even if its only for a day
-getting more than 4 hours of sleep
-seeing logan smile and hearing him laugh
-joking around with mike
-looking back at old pictures
-music, especially country
-when the weather is cool, and i can drive with the windows down
-good hair days
-laughing until i cry
-a good book
-that my family is always there for me, no matter what
-that my birthday is coming up, and mikes is also
-logan is finally gaining weight
-my friends
-bright colors, and pastel colors too
-when i have time to do a craft
-frozen yogurt
-rainy days, which make for great lazy days
-my life.