Thursday, August 9, 2012

i love...

-when the windows are open, and the sun lights up the room
-the feel of fresh sheets
-how cute logan is when he sleeps
-feeling excited when mike is coming home after working out of town for so long
-jumping in to a cold pool on a hot day
-taking naps with my two boys
-coke icees
-the smell of sweets baking
-when our room is clean, even if its only for a day
-getting more than 4 hours of sleep
-seeing logan smile and hearing him laugh
-joking around with mike
-looking back at old pictures
-music, especially country
-when the weather is cool, and i can drive with the windows down
-good hair days
-laughing until i cry
-a good book
-that my family is always there for me, no matter what
-that my birthday is coming up, and mikes is also
-logan is finally gaining weight
-my friends
-bright colors, and pastel colors too
-when i have time to do a craft
-frozen yogurt
-rainy days, which make for great lazy days
-my life.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

a visit to granny

since school is done for a few weeks, and mike is out of town, me and LJ packed up and headed to granny's house! (mikes mom)

 Normally our trips to granny's house take awhile because Logan throws fits for us to stop every other hour, but this time, we only stopped once. The last hour though, I had to play "Elmo's song" on repeat.. (if I didn't know every word before, I do now)

I was worried about Logan being shy and not wanting to see granny and pops (mikes step-dad), but he did great! I think he remembered his granny. He was a bit shy with pops at first, but warmed up to him after some bribery with snacks, and getting to pet the deer on the wall. Logan loves the deer. 

I love being out here, its always relaxing, and a nice break. I love driving down the winding roads at any speed you want, and how quiet it is.. I would love to live out this way someday, and I think Mike would too. 

So far we've spent our time napping, watching kids movies on VHS (yes, on tape..), watching some toddler and tiaras, and playing with Logan. In fact, today, he took his very first steps!! Started with one, and by the end of the night, he was taking three to four. I am one proud mama, I just wish Mike was here to see. I also wish Mikes dad was here, because I know he has been waiting for it to happen. 

Tomorrow or Friday, I am going to take LJ to see Mikes grandma. She is such a sweet lady, and I know she is going to be so excited to see Logan. 

This is definitely a good way to end the summer!

Sunday, August 5, 2012