Saturday, March 16, 2013

let it rain

the other day, me and my friend let our boys play outside since the weather was nice.. and also because my son is so pushy about going out there. It got a little warm, so, we decided to make it rain! 

oh, and here's a kiss for you^

turns out, Logan loves water.. maybe a little to much. He wouldn't really give David the chance to play. My kid is the bully in this friendship.. crap.

so, Logan got his own bucket, well wagon that is. 

Didn't last long though.. that kid went through water so fast, and I seriously could not keep a bowl, or wagon full long enough to satisfy him.

yeah.. that's my child^

we clapped, and sat and let the boys dry out a little bit. Aren't they the cutest best friends?

you can see more pictures at my friends blog! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


decided to give blueberries the chance to win Logan over.. they did. He LOVED them. 

the good news- he actually had some fruit, which is getting a little more popular 'round these parts. the bad news- he was covered in it.. like really covered.

usually after he eats, we wash his hands and face in the sink (so often, that if I don't, he runs to the kitchen and yells because he knows I'm supposed to). This time, a simple wash was not going to cut it, soooo...

 he got a full on bath in the sink. So funny that he actually fits in there, and awesome that I didn't have to bend over and kill my back. I like this sink bath thing.. we might just have to make this more common, minus the blueberry messes. Maybe some veggies next time.
No? Well, a girl can dream. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

a good ol' weekend part 2

After we had a million pounds of delicious crawfish, I tried to take Logan home for a nap. It was more for me than him, and after he laid in bed for probably thirty minutes, he was ready to get out. I give him props for trying. It's probably a good thing we didn't nap because we were supposed to head down to Galveston to see our family and hangout. I'm glad we went, it was so nice. They had a bonfire going, good music, and good barbecue. Yeah, we ate like kings all day. 

I showed Logan how to shovel some dirt, which quickly became Logan eating dirt.. Seriously, the kid was licking the shovel. Boys will be boys I guess. He also had some fresh picked strawberries which must have just turned red because he was making some sour faces. 

All night, I stressed over Logan being to close to the fire. Even though he knows the word "hot" (which he whispers and puts emphasis on the "t" so it sounds like "hotttttt-ta"), I'm pretty positive that he doesn't know what it actually means. But he did do pretty good about steering clear of it. 

For a while, Logan sang to us, which mostly consisted of "la's" and "da's." He was quite the entertainment. It was cool that he actually let his Uncle Chris hold him since he barely lets anyone hold him, let alone a guy. 

I wish we could have stayed later, and visited more with my family from up north, but it got late, and Logan still needed a bath before he went to bed for the night. Of course, he missed his bath because the long car ride, mixed with the exciting day knocked his little butt out. Mama even went to sleep early. 

We spent Sunday the every Sunday should be spent, (minus the rain, and Mike missing everything). We started off our morning at church, even though it was pouring rain, there was a train stopped on the main road from my house, and we were running late. I'm glad we made it though because it was amazing! After we had lunch with our best friends, and family. Went home, napped, and then made some crawfish etouffee which Mike actually got to be there for.. sort of. Topped the night off watching some TV and then passed out. 

Probably one of the most important things I learned this weekend: let someone else chop the onions.. I chopped my first onion and thought I was going to go blind. But at least now I can say I've done it.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

a good ol' weekend part 1

So this weekend was pretty busy.. Ok, it wasn't thatttt busy, I was just very camera happy, and took a ton of photos. Which may cause me to split this up into 2 posts.

But first, I just want to point out that I do post a lot of photos of Logan and talk about him pretty much non-stop, but only because this blog is for me to be able to look back on and remember things that happened. Since I am a stay at home mom, and I am with him soooo much, he's all I really have to talk about, and that's fine by me. This blog is also so that family that doesn't get to see him often/I don't talk to on a daily basis, can keep up and see whats going on. With that being said, don't say I didn't warn you! 

Back to my weekend.. It was like I was back in Louisiana. Travis made some freaking amazing crawfish, that you just don't get here often. So good, that we talked about how he should open a restaurant. Mike would've been proud if he could have been there, but unfortunately, he's been so busy at work, that we've barely seen him. 

Besides crawfish, there was a lot of running around, smashing eggs, jumping on trampolines, sliding, acting like monkeys (mostly sierra) and laughter from little kids. What topped it off was the sun coming out, and it not being so gross out. It actually got a little hot. 

 (I miss when Logan used to do this ^ so stinkin' cute!!)

(this was fun to watch^)

(this is the monkey business I was talking about^)

I've come to the conclusion that 1. every weekend should involve crawfish. 2. Ryker is way to freaking cute, like wayy to cute, it kills me how cute and chubby he is. and 3. these kids have way to much energy for me to keep up with them. I was ready to sleep for hours after all this, but Logan disagreed, and I'm pretty sure so did Ryker and Sierra. 

I wish Mike could have been there, and he does too.. Oh and of course Travis does! He's definitely made it known that Mike needs to be there hahah. So, of course they planned to do this again the next weekend we can possibly get everyone together. Those two are trouble together, let me tell you. 

I am so blessed with the life that I have, the friends, my little boy, and just everything that I have the opportunity to do.