yesterday I took Logan to the beach to run around, and to play with my new camera lens.. so much fun! He ran up and down the beach, and tried to catch birds. The negative part... the beach wasn't quite as warm as I was hoping it would be. Also, when we went to leave, Logan threw the biggest fit because he didn't get a bird.
I'm glad my aunt was there to help with Logan, it seemed like they had fun running around.

We decided to warm up and eat some lunch, where Logan decided to make faces at the guy sitting behind me.. he's so goofy. I'm pretty sure I heard the guys girlfriend getting mad because Logan was getting more attention from the guy than she was. (I hope that sentence makes sense to people other than me)
On a side note, lately Logan has saying "uh-oh" on repeat. It's his new favorite word. He reminds that he knows what it means constantly too. He decided at bath time, to throw his silky in the water, and then scream "uh-ohhhhh." He's also saying "choo-choo" and he points to the sky anytime he hears an airplane, and attempts to say "plane."
He topped the night off on a good note though. He attempted to get himself dressed, and actually did a decent job considering it was his first time trying. He got his arms in the shirt, so that's a good start. When it was time for bed, he walked me all the way to his bed, gave me kisses, and let me put him down without a fight. Usually he argues with me about bedtime, and throws a big fit.. of course he doesn't do that with daddy.
I'm happy I got to try out my new lens, I am soooo excited to finally have it!