Friday, August 24, 2012

haircut time!

After much discussion, Mike and I decided it was time to get Logan's hair cut. As sad as I was to watch my little boy sit and get all his pretty (yes, his hair was pretty) hair get cut off, I have to admit, I love his new hair cut! He looks so cute! It also makes me feel better that he looks like a boy now, and hopefully I won't get any comments about "how cute she is."

 He did amazing, no crying, sat still for the most, and it was over in no time. Naturally, we saved some of the hair, and the place that cut his hair also gave a "first haircut certificate." Mike also bought some baby gel so we can spike his hair. Great first haircut.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


my little boy is 10 months old already! that means he will never be in the single digit month age again.. it makes me so sad. on the plus side, i love being able to be home with him all the time, and watch him grow into the amazing little man that he is. 

dear baby, 
you are seriously the best thing in my life (besides your daddy). everyday you do something new that amazes me, and you never seize to make me laugh. right now, you are still crawling around and getting into anything you possibly can. walking is in your near future though, because you are standing without holding on to anything more and more, and continue to take steps here and there (i think your just being lazy). you are always clinging to my leg, and if grandpa is around, your stuck on his. your going through this stage right now, where when you wake up from naps or in the morning, you just want to sit with me and your silky, and watch cartoons.. that is ok with me though, i love cuddling with you when i get the chance. other than that, you aren't very affectionate haha you push me and daddy away when we try to give you kisses, and you aren't one to let me treat you like my little sweet baby. you've recently started "dancing" and it is the cutest thing, especially when you make faces while you do it. but i have to say that my favorite thing you do right now is when you pick something up (it could be dog food or a phone), and so sweetly hand it to the person closest to you. and if someone isn't near you, you crawl to find someone to give it to. it is the most precious thing, and it makes me feel so good to see that you are already such a caring person, just like daddy. i love you with all of my heart logan, and i will always do what i can to make you happy.
love, mommy


Monday, August 20, 2012

ryker is almost a month old

we never got the chance to do newborn pictures of little Ryker, but we figured these were good enough.. as long as there are some pictures to show how small he is, right?

 he is toooo cute! I miss Logan being this little..