Monday, December 31, 2012

a day with the in-laws part 1

saturday we spent the day with my family opening gifts, and straight after, we left for good ol' Louisiana. Christmas at my moms was great! Logan got some fun toys (xylophone, one of those popper vacuum things, old school phone that he can pull, and all other loud toys that can be bought), mike got some new office supplies, and I got a Polaroid!  And the extra money I need for my new lens. I can't wait to order it! I didn't get any pictures though.. I packed my camera without thinking.

We got to Louisiana with no stops, besides one to get gas.. Where mike decided to change some stuff on his car. We had a small scare for a minute thanks to him. It was hilarious. 

We spent Sunday with Mikes family.. to say they are so much fun would be an understatement! I love, love, love seeing them. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

slowing down

hello! I finally found some time to update everything.. things have been so hectic thanks to the holidays, and I have so many pictures to share. I will probably have to do a few posts so that I can fit everything! Our holiday was awesome, and it was a much needed break for us to share together. It was nice having Mike with us the whole time, and I think Logan might have enjoyed it more than me.. that's a biiiiggg might haha!

I'll start off with our personal family Christmas we did at home. We did it a few days before since Grandpa had to work, and we didn't think we'd have an opportunity to do it all together before we left for Louisiana. (Also because I was ready to give Logan and Mike their gifts hah!)

 logan really enjoyed ripping the paper open, so grandpa let him help ^

 I knew Mike would love his small gift from me and logan haha he tried to guess what it was.. and failed! Nerf gun! :)

our living room looked insane while all the toys got put together^

We got Logan a few things to play with, mostly stuff he didn't need but looked cool. Best gift though, was his mini 4-wheeler. Its getting hard to keep him off of it. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

a merry christmas

it's been a while since I last posted, which sucks, because I've had a lot to share.. I've just been so busy. When I get home from out of town, I'll update everything. For now, I've enjoying my Christmas with my family. Hope everyone had a good day, we sure did!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

little boy

its moments like these that make me wish Logan would stay little forever. Gosh, do I love that little boy.

Monday, December 10, 2012

pleasure pier

We spent Saturday at Pleasure in Pier in Galveston. Let me start by saying that it is such a fun place for everyone! I can't wait to go back, hopefully soon. For such a gorgeous Saturday, it was pretty quiet on the boardwalk, which meant there were no lines for the rides. Next time, I definitely want to spend the $30 and get a all day ride pass. There are even rides Logan would enjoy. We did ride the carousel, since he loved it the last time he rode one. Once again, he was ecstatic about it, and didn't want to get off. He also chased some bubbles around, danced to the live band, and tried to figure out how the roller coaster worked. Lets just say that he slept so good that night. 

The view from the pier was absolutely beautiful at sunset, and it was actually really peaceful watching the surfers out on the water. One of my favorite parts about the boardwalk, was the rocking chairs for people to sit in. Whoever thought of that is genius, in my opinion. We ended the night by going to my moms, and setting up her Christmas tree as a family. Logan enjoyed pulling ornaments out and trying to put them on the tree. He didn't quite understand how to do it, but he sure did try! I wish everyday could be like Saturday was.. If only.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

good morning!

a few pictures, and a kiss to start your Saturday! 
Today, I spent the day shopping for Christmas presents. Naturally, I found baby clothes too cute to pass up, so I bought Logan and his best friend matching shirts and some socks for Christmas photos. I also got Logan some slippers (I'm so excited his feet are big enough finally!). We ended up doing some photos of the boys, and I can't wait to have the time to start working on them.

After photos, Logan and I ran around in the back yard chasing Xena. This smile on Logan's face when he runs around with her is priceless.

We decided to pull out the wagon and take the boys around the block to look at all the Christmas lights. I think they liked it, but who knows.. I know I enjoyed it. We finished the night with a movie and dinner. Love quiet nights at home with friends. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

a saturday full of Christmas, oh boy!

This past weekend was insanely busy.. As a matter of fact, it seems like these past few weeks have been very hectic. Guess that is a sign that its definitely time for the holidays. 

We spent Saturday in Galveston with my grandma, and spent the evening at the city Christmas parade. Logan got to see all the pretty floats, and danced around the drums. It was actually a lot of fun, and I'm relieved that he wasn't scared of everything. 

we went home and decided to put the Christmas tree up and watch Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer since I had never seen it. *Just a side note, Santa is not very nice in that movie. I figured Logan wouldn't make it to see the tree finished, but he sure did try. It was cute watching him help me push the big red bag the tree came in.. He pushed until we made from the dining room to the kitchen. He is so sweet!

While I was putting the tree up, which is hard work, Logan decided he wanted to see what the needles tasted like.. It was definitely fun to watch him play with the branches. I really do look forward to doing this every year.

We ended the weekend with a nice relaxing trip to the doggie park, and an evening at home, where I spent the majority of my time editing photos. I'm so hoping things start to slow down soon, I'm ready for some rest!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

poor, sick logan

Last night, we spent a majority of it in the ER. I mentioned before that Logan was feeling pretty crummy, and it turns out the poor baby has two major ear infections. The doctor kept telling us that he hadn't seen ears as red as Logan's in a long time.. Way to make me feel worse doc. Luckily, we have a tough little boy.

It's not easy keeping a one year old occupied in an ER room, but eventually he ran out of energy and passed out with daddy. After 3-4 hours, a shot of antibiotics, a few prescriptions, and some insurance hiccups, we finally made it home. As of now, LJ is doing a bit better.. Here's to hoping these antibiotics kick these ear infections, and I get my happy-go-lucky baby back soon!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

a visit from great grandma magyar

Over the weekend, Mikes grandma, uncle, and aunt came to visit, so naturally we stayed up the whole night friday cleaning to make sure the house looked good. It was nice seeing them all, especially Mikes aunt and uncle since they live further away, and we don't see them often. They also brought their dog, which Logan loved. He had a great time walking her around the house with her leash. 

The only thing that would've made their visit better, is if Logan hadn't been so fussy. Poor kid has been stuffed up, and has a killer cough. Actually, everyone in our household has been feeling pretty crummy the last few days. Must be something in the air.. 

Anyways, as November comes to an end, I am very much looking forward to everything December has to offer! My next goal? Figure out where to put our christmas tree.. Oh boy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


well, I had a list of 22 things that I was thankful for.. but I decided that 22 things wasn't enough. I am happy for so many things, and a list wouldn't even begin to cover it.. so I will just say that today, I am extremely happy to have spent it with my amazing little boy, and absolute best friend. I love you both more than words could ever describe.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


all four of my wisdom teeth are finally gone! being awake for the procedure wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.. but I still think life would have been easier if I was asleep. luckily, my face didn't swell though.. I was ready for the jokes about chipmunk cheeks. 

other than that, there hasn't been much going on. we took Logan to the bayou wildlife park, which was pretty cool. we also took him for his check up finally.. so far he's doing great. 20-21 lbs and 28 in. he is still short and underweight, but no worries! 

grandpa has been working a lot, but we still catch him before he goes in. luckily we have the chance to see mikes grandma and uncle this weekend, for a day. hopefully grandpa will be here for that! 

last night we went to our friends, and made some christmas ornaments. I'll get the recipe for the ornaments later, and share it. it was really neat, and the dough that we used felt pretty cool. it was also nice to spend some time with baby ryker! he's getting so big! it was cute to see him and logan play.. logan is going to be a great big brother one day. 

now, we are just ready to enjoy some family time tomorrow, and stuff ourselves with food! hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!