Wednesday, November 28, 2012

poor, sick logan

Last night, we spent a majority of it in the ER. I mentioned before that Logan was feeling pretty crummy, and it turns out the poor baby has two major ear infections. The doctor kept telling us that he hadn't seen ears as red as Logan's in a long time.. Way to make me feel worse doc. Luckily, we have a tough little boy.

It's not easy keeping a one year old occupied in an ER room, but eventually he ran out of energy and passed out with daddy. After 3-4 hours, a shot of antibiotics, a few prescriptions, and some insurance hiccups, we finally made it home. As of now, LJ is doing a bit better.. Here's to hoping these antibiotics kick these ear infections, and I get my happy-go-lucky baby back soon!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

a visit from great grandma magyar

Over the weekend, Mikes grandma, uncle, and aunt came to visit, so naturally we stayed up the whole night friday cleaning to make sure the house looked good. It was nice seeing them all, especially Mikes aunt and uncle since they live further away, and we don't see them often. They also brought their dog, which Logan loved. He had a great time walking her around the house with her leash. 

The only thing that would've made their visit better, is if Logan hadn't been so fussy. Poor kid has been stuffed up, and has a killer cough. Actually, everyone in our household has been feeling pretty crummy the last few days. Must be something in the air.. 

Anyways, as November comes to an end, I am very much looking forward to everything December has to offer! My next goal? Figure out where to put our christmas tree.. Oh boy!