Friday, March 1, 2013

dear baby, 
after your bath earlier in the night, you hugged me for the first time ever.. no words could explain how happy that made me. I wish that I could some how replay that 2 second hug for the rest of my life. I've been there for every single one of your "firsts," from the first time you lifted your tiny little head on your own, to the first steps you took, and this is probably one of absolute favorites. I love you so, so much! For you to wrap your arms around my neck, and rest your head on my shoulder, and then give me a kiss.. it just tells me that you love me back, and that I'm doing something right. Thank you baby, you really make me the happiest mama. 


Thursday, February 28, 2013

workin' hard

Grandpa brought the Camaro home, and let Logan help him work on it. Now anytime grandpa is in the garage, Logan wants to go out and see, it's so funny! I don't think grandpa will be getting much work done anymore haha!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

a new adventure!

Yesterday, we went and bought a potty for Logan. I know its a little early still, but he has been peeing when I take his diaper off and thinking it was fun. He also has been peeing on command and stopping when I tell him to quit peeing on the carpet haha!  So, I figured it wouldn't hurt to put him on it and praise him if he did happen to use it the right way. 

He loves the potty! He hasn't used it right yet, but we have been trying here and there. He will sit and push, but just can't go haha but he still "flushes" it so he can hear Elmo tell him "hooray!" He kept trying to stand on it, so we had to stop that real quick.. he thought the hole was the perfect spot for his feet to be. 

 We spent a part of the day running around the living, room practicing sitting on it, and of course dancing (diaper-less) out of excitement. I am proud that even though he didn't pee on his potty, he also didn't pee on the carpet! We moved the potty into the bathroom now, and when I think we should go try, we run to the bathroom yelling "time to potty!!" Now he keeps telling me "boppy" and I'm pretty sure that means potty, but I'm not 100% on that one. This is definitely going to be a learning experience for all of us.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

happy anniversary!

Three years with this crazy, goofy, sometimes (a lot of times) aggravating, loud, handsome man. I wouldn't have things any other way.. he is my best friend that I can talk to about anything, and I never have to worry about him judging me. 

We spent tuesday night out at a Brazilian steak house, and oh gosh, the food was amazing!! I've never been so full in my life. Then we went home and played with Logan, who was in the middle of a sugar rush thanks his GiGi. There was a lot of balloons, and laughing involved. Xena played too.. it was a blast. 

Thank you for another great night honey, and for everything you do for me. I'm extremely grateful, I hope you know that.