Wednesday, November 21, 2012


well, I had a list of 22 things that I was thankful for.. but I decided that 22 things wasn't enough. I am happy for so many things, and a list wouldn't even begin to cover it.. so I will just say that today, I am extremely happy to have spent it with my amazing little boy, and absolute best friend. I love you both more than words could ever describe.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


all four of my wisdom teeth are finally gone! being awake for the procedure wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.. but I still think life would have been easier if I was asleep. luckily, my face didn't swell though.. I was ready for the jokes about chipmunk cheeks. 

other than that, there hasn't been much going on. we took Logan to the bayou wildlife park, which was pretty cool. we also took him for his check up finally.. so far he's doing great. 20-21 lbs and 28 in. he is still short and underweight, but no worries! 

grandpa has been working a lot, but we still catch him before he goes in. luckily we have the chance to see mikes grandma and uncle this weekend, for a day. hopefully grandpa will be here for that! 

last night we went to our friends, and made some christmas ornaments. I'll get the recipe for the ornaments later, and share it. it was really neat, and the dough that we used felt pretty cool. it was also nice to spend some time with baby ryker! he's getting so big! it was cute to see him and logan play.. logan is going to be a great big brother one day. 

now, we are just ready to enjoy some family time tomorrow, and stuff ourselves with food! hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!