A friend I took our babies on an unplanned trip to Hermann Park in Houston the other day. I was hoping to get some pictures of LJ to show how much his grown since last month (that is becoming harder and harder since he's learned to move). Our trip started off hot and sticky, and not much fun. We got some pictures quick, Logan got a few tastes of the dirt, discovered he didn't like the feeling of mud, and we started to head back to the car.
I did find that the park has a ton of awesome places to do future photo shoots when its less than one-hundred degrees out. It also has an awesome place to let LJ run around and play in fountains when he is older.
the way back to the car, our prayers for cooler weather were answered
with rain.. and lots of it. It was hilarious! Luckily the babies didn't
mind since the strollers covered them. And somehow, my white shorts
didn't get soaked enough to see through them. It was an awesome trip.
PS. I thought Logan was staying dry, until I got to the car, and went to get him out. He was soaked, and looked oh-so-cute!
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