Sunday, September 30, 2012

holy cow, a whole month?!

has it really been that long? (It's funny because my last post was also a late post.) I feel like just yesterday, it was my birthday. Well, hello October, and hello cooler weather! I can't believe that Logan will be 1 in a few short weeks.. time goes way to fast. 

Now that I've taking my first set of tests for school, I am focused on getting Logan's birthday party ready. I am so excited, besides the fact that my baby isn't a baby anymore! So far, I have made everything on my own, and I'm pretty proud. Invites are going in the mail tomorrow, and I'm going to crack down on the party favors (my favorite part so far!). Is it bad that I already have a theme picked out for next year?!

Anyways, its mainly school and photography have kept me from updating every night.. Its definitely a lot to balance, but I think I have it under control so far (besides the no blogging for a month). I've gotten quite a bit of business on the photography, and it has been fun! Crazy how fast it caught on, of course I'm not complaining.

In our spare time, we have been spending our evenings at the park, and when weather permits, we try to ride our bike. Logan has gotten so good at walking, its crazy. It is also scary to watch.. I cringe anytime he gets close to a sharp edge. Fingers crossed for no accidents!

Note- the black eye he has in the picture isn't from walking, its from being nosey, and pulling a tv tray down on himself haha

Oh, and if you haven't watched the movie 'What To Expect When Your Expecting' you should.. its pretty dang funny, at least to me.

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