Tuesday, April 15, 2014

jumping world!

Logan has started asking to see his friends, or as he calls it, "his Sierra" and "his Ryker," and since yesterday was a nasty rainy day, we ended up at Jumping world (giant building full of trampolines, ball pits, and over-all awesomeness). 

Talk about fun, and a workout!
I've learned my lesson in participating to much at jump world, especially now that my belly has grown.. its so exhausting. And to think people might actually stay longer than an hour!

Definitely a successful trip, even with the pouring down rain, and freezing weather! I actually enjoyed running to the cars to get kids loaded in while it was raining cats and dogs, added a bit more excitement into the mix. 'Cause you know, 5 kids under the age of 5, and two pregnant ladies wasn't enough. What can I say? We like a challenge! 

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